Hak5 Bash Bunny Mark II + Field Guide

The new generation of advanced penetration testing tool emulating a keyboard, Gbit ethernet adapter and USB flash drive will give your testing new dimensions.

In Stock (7 pcs)
Code: 2908
Brand: HAK5
€173 €143 excl. VAT
Category: Pentesting
Weight: 0.2 kg

HAK5 Bash Bunny is basically a Linux machine (Debian) designed for penetration testing. It offers space for attacks that were previously unthinkable with a single device. By simultaneously emulating trusted USB devices — a Gbit Ethernet adapter, a USB flash drive, a serial device, and a keyboard — it forces the computer to divulge important information, filter documents, install backdoors, and use a variety of other exploits.

To achieve the goals above, Bash Bunny uses a very simple scripting language - you can even write it in a notepad. In addition, thanks to a wide community of users, a rich supply of already prepared scripts is available. Preparing for an attack with Bash Bunny is extremely simple - with a use of a switch you can unlock and upload the payload file. It's as easy as saving a file to a flash drive.


The switch on the Bash Bunny body allows you to select the running script, you can then monitor its progress thanks to a RGB LED signaling. Thanks to the quad-core processor and a fast SSD disk, Bash Bunny starts working within 7 seconds after connection.


Protože je Bash Bunny linuxovým strojem, můžete se k němu kdykoliv připojit přes konzoli a využít tak všechny své oblíbené pentestové nástroje. Jednodušší, než s Bash Bunny už to prostě být nemůže.

Because Bash Bunny is a Linux-based machine, you can connect to it at any time via the console and use all your favorite pentest tools. It just couldn't be easier than with Bash Bunny.







This device is designed for experienced professionals in the field of IT management and IT security. Its use requires the expertise and consent of the infrastructure owner.


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